FAM-PIONKI is the successor of the Hunting Ammunition Factory in Pionki, Poland and its 50 years of history.
The production was originally based on premium quality Sokół shotshell powders, first manufactured in 1923.
In 1991, as a result of a restructuring process, FAM-PIONKI was formed. It started off as an independent company and took over the existing production facilities.
Our technological lines are for the major part specialist machinery and equipment which turn out shotshells for 12, 16 and 20 bores.
For our ammunition we use only the best domestic and imported materials.
FAM PIONKI has its own computerised ballistic laboratory where we test the quality and ballistic parameters of the ammunition to guarantee its safety and reliability.
Our company tests have been confirmed with certificates issued by the Polish Military Institute of Armament Technology for conformance with norm PN-C-86043 (shotgun ammunition) and PN-C-86044 (slugs), and with an international certificate of the Permanent International Commission for the Proof of Small Arms based in Liege, Belgium.
FAM-PIONKI organises and sponsors numerous shooting events, both sports skeet and trap, as well as target shooting championships, clays and rifle, that follow the rules of the Polish Hunting Association.
OLYMPIC are excellent sporting shotshells with 24g or 28g loads for skeet, trap and double trap, offered in standard and high speeds, as well as in lower speeds for young guns (light). For game and target shooting, we have FAM with 32g and 36g loads, and SEMI MAGNUM for 70mm chambers with 40g loads for 12-bores, 27g for 16-bores and 24g for 20-bores.
For 76mm chambers, our selection includes MAGNUM cartridges in gauge 12 and 20.
Our product range also comprises buckshot (5mm diameter, SG, SSG) and a wide selection of slugs: W-8, W-8 Plastic, W-8 plastic light, DZIK, FS, ATUT.
The long years of tradition guarantee that the quality and reliability of our range will satisfy any and all shotgunners.
Fabryka Amunicji Myśliwskiej
"FAM-PIONKI" Sp. z o.o.
ul.Śrutowa 5,
26-670 Pionki
Biuro Handlowe:
Tel. +48 48 306 70 12, fax +48 385 27 90
Sekretariat + 48 48 306 70 11
Spółka jest zarejestrowana w Krajowym Rejestrze Sądowym w Sądzie Rejonowym dla m. st. Warszawy - Wydział XIV pod numerem KRS 0000041302.

Wysokość kapitału zakładowego 2.070.000 PLN